Friday, July 8, 2011

Traditional Media

My computer got sick again. There was no choice but to wipe it completely and take better care of it this time...again. I swear I honestly don't know what happens to it that it becomes so infected so fast. It's NOT PORN!

Time away from my computer was interesting. I had no Internet and neither did Jay so I turned to books. However, I have no books at the apartment that I have not already read at least once. At my house I have an entire bookshelf with 5 shelves from ceiling to floor full of books...most of which I have also already read. I started re-reading "House of Leaves" by Mark Danielewski which is the most effed up book you could ever read. I actually don't recommend it if you have a fragile mind. It's not gory at all, just twisted and written in the most complex way ever: footnotes go on for pages and have seemingly nothing to do with the "main text" which is an analysis of a movie that doesn't exist in reality or in the universe of the book. Sometimes things are backwards or upside down. Later in the book, stuff is written in the corners and you have to really pay attention to the order you've been reading in. This is all in addition to the plot of the "film" which is dark to say the least.

So I turned to Facebook for friendly suggestions about what I should read next. There were definitely some in there that I've been wanting to check out, "The Hunger Games" being at the top of the list. Then I found this site, Good Reads which is pretty awesome. It gives books by specific genre. The only problem is that I don't know what kind of reading mood I'm in. Nothing sounds really good right now, though, aside from re-reading things I already know I like.

I've been invited to Google+ but I still can't sign up. They've exceeded capacity.

I'ma go watch all three Lion King movies spliced together in chronological order on YouTube. Have a good night.

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