Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Part Of My Problem

This is an older story, but it's still applicable:

Me [on the phone with a friend who is coming in from the other side of the country to be at our wedding]: Well I have rehearsal until around 4:00 and the bus doesn't come until 4:45 sooo...if you wanted to pick me up...

Friend: Sure, we can make that happen.
[conversation ends. I'm in the car with Jay, by the way]

Jay [feigning hurt]: I could have picked you up.

Me: Did you want to? I can tell him he doesn't need to. I can do it right now.

Jay [continuing to feign hurt, really obviously]: Oh no! No don't worry about it! It's fine. I guess you just don't want to see me! [or something to that effect] know...sometimes when you are pretending to be mad, I think you really are mad and you're just pretending to pretend to be mad.


Me: [repeats phrase...several times]

Jay:....You THINK too much!

And I do. That's part of my problem. I operate on that level of social scrutiny (paranoia maybe?) 24/7. It's exhausting and I would just LOVE to stop...but it's harder than it sounds.

1 comment:

  1. I over think social situations quite a bit as well, Lisa points this out on a weekly basis. I like to think I'm getting better at ignoring things I would normally over analyze though.
