Thursday, January 12, 2012

Just Checking In...

Seeing how you're all know...catching up...making sure everything'

I'm in a blogging rut as is evidenced by my digital disappearance. I've been over at Twitter, being another mindless, tweeting drone like the rest of humanity. I do enjoy it as an art form, being able to make my thought super-precise or run the risk of never getting it out there. Did you know that the Library of Congress is logging tweets into America's history? Like...every tweet by anyone ever. It's true. Don't believe me? I wouldn't either. But it is true.

Unit and lesson planning has consumed my life, as it should. I begin teaching 3/4 of my classes on the 23rd and then I incorporate world lit on the 30th. I'm excited and rearing to go. A bit apprehensive of what happens after all of this. Looking for teaching positions within a 100 mile radius and so far I have come up with 2 for now. Maybe in the summer things will open up.

I'll be really sad if I feel the need to get rid of yet another blog. Holy Matrimony! has suffered a hiatus as well, since I'm married and our lives have pretty much gone back to normal. Maybe I could post a couple of date-night stories when we have them.

Now I'm just speculating as I type, which is a good sign that the blog post is over.


  1. I kind of ran dry, too. I'm not sure what caused it, and sometimes I feel like I'll get back into it. Now I look at older posts of mine and kinda go "ehhhh?"

  2. Emily what happened to EmilyFruit? I had to go to OTHER people's fashion blogs!
