Friday, April 6, 2012

Do Work

I have the day off today, which. is. awesome.
What's NOT awesome is that I've spent the last 3 hours watching an episode of The Simpsons, House and Sherlock. I know full-well that there are things that I need to do before "Easter Weekend" begins. I have a really hard time focusing on...well...anything. Even now, Sherlock is on my laptop screen and I'm blogging on my tablet.
I've also taken the liberty of drawing for you again. Here's what my mind is like most of the time:

I don't know how to fix that. I know what I need to do, the execution is a little elusive. I love watching people be productive on TV though. It makes me feel productive too.
What do I need to do to focus? I mean, what does focus even look like? I keep expecting something like this to happen to me once I achieve that Nirvana of productivity:
Still waiting for that damn rainbow.

1 comment:

  1. That first drawing looks a lot like student teaching to me! You will find Nirvana. It will come. You just need to spend some time on yourself, doing what YOU want to do. And only that.
