Wednesday, February 23, 2011


We all feel the panopticon from time to time (this awareness that our every move is being watched by someone or something. It's a type of shared paranoia that tends to alter our actions).

If this sort of thing were REAL, I imagine that whoever was stationed outside of my apartment building would be very confused at my exits and entrances, especially today (provided they didn't follow me when I left):

5:50 a.m. - Leave with hair still wet and frizzing as it drys wearing khaki pants and a red shirt with shoulder bag

10:10 a.m. - Return

10:45 a.m. - Leave in heels, grey pants, floaty top and a silver statement necklace with hair straightened with backpack

3:45 p.m. - Return

5:15 p.m. - Leave wearing jeans, moccasins, hoodie and backpack

8:10 p.m. - Return

My comings and goings make sense if you're me.

I did my first few hours of clinical work today and it was a BLAST. I've never had such a good time. My coordinating teacher is fantastic and I can't wait to learn from him. At the end of the last hour the class got done very early with their plan for the hour and they sat with me, giving me advice on what to do and what not to do as a student teacher. I'm telling you, every pre-service teacher should get a chance to do this before they teach, and maybe even a few times after. My CT made an off-hand remark that he was also taking notes as we had the discussion.

At one point, 6th hour, the entire school was apparently going across the street to the community center to watch scenes from "Old Macbeth Had A Farm," a parody of the original, KFC-style. So I got on a bus today and took a mini-field trip not thinking that I would be doing so. "Big part about being a teacher, being flexible, right?" my CT mused as he locked his classroom door. No kidding, bro. No kidding.

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